Hello Frederic, please introduce yourself briefly in one sentence!
“Hi, I’m Frederic Heise, I’ve been with Perpetuo since November 2022 and work as an Associate in Management Consulting.”
Why did you choose this profession?
“I love the variety and getting to grips with new topics. The job as a consultant also gives me the opportunity to get to know different sectors in a short space of time and to constantly develop myself further.”
How did your induction and support at Perpetuo go?
“The onboarding day at Perpetuo starts with a welcome gift and handover of the hardware. Afterwards, my buddy introduced himself to me and we went through various topics and then the Perpetuo onboarding program started. From day one, you are involved in projects and feel part of the team, which also makes it easier to familiarize yourself with the job. You are also supported by your buddy. There was also internal training in the first month to prepare me for the consulting work.”
What is your job at Perpetuo?
“In my first few months, I supported our consultants and managers on various projects and took part in internal training courses. I also work internally with Perpetuo on product development in the area of Innovation & Business Ecosystem.”
What do you need for this job?
“Communication skills, as well as the ability to grasp situations correctly, analyze them and draw the right conclusions. In my opinion, processing information, understanding the requirements of management and being able to structure them accordingly is essential for the job. In addition, these structured thoughts must be presented in an understandable and clear way.”
What are the biggest challenges in the everyday life of a consultant?
“Speaking the language of the respective companies, as different companies also have their own working methods and cultures and you naturally have to familiarize yourself with them in order to work efficiently. In addition, the pressure of expectations can build up over time. It’s also important to maintain a balance between too much and too little.”
What advice would you give career starters?
“Be curious, ask questions if you don’t understand something and write down everything you are told, as you won’t remember all the information in the short time available.”
What is the team spirit like at Perpetuo?
“The team works really well together and we can all work well together. I always look forward to it when I’m in the office or at one of our regular team events.”
What do you enjoy most about the job?
“That every day is very different and that I’m always in contact with lots of people.”
What does a normal working day as a consultant at Perpetuo look like?
“In the morning, I organize my day, sift through emails and prioritize my to-dos. Then I coordinate with the project teams. Then the project work starts and I prepare workshops, work on analyses or create pitches. I also coordinate with the management of our customers. At the end of the working day, I go through my emails again and review the day. Ultimately, however, there is no such thing as a “normal” working day at Perpetuo. Every day brings new challenges and exciting tasks.”
Describe your job in 3 words.
“Varied, exciting, challenging!”
What restrictions does the job entail?
“You have to be willing to travel and be flexible. The mobile working arrangement has advantages that I really enjoy.”
What’s the coolest thing about your job?
“The professional trips, together with my colleagues and working with customers.”