Unabhängig davon, in welcher Branche Du tätig bist, ob Du zu einem großen Unternehmen gehörst oder als Freiberufler von zu Hause aus arbeitest, ist es für ein florierendes und erfolgreiches Unternehmen unabdingbar, sich zu präsentieren.
Whether social media, e-mails or websites – advertising and networking are available almost everywhere today, at least in digital form. This online age makes it much easier for us to reach everyone in the world, but it is also extremely isolating and often quite impersonal. There are now studies that show that people who work alone are more likely to suffer from emotional and health problems as a direct result of isolation and loneliness, so what can we do about it?
This is where coworking comes in, the new way of networking that allows you to develop your business in an engaging, exciting and inspiring environment surrounded by like-minded people. There is nothing like it. Sure, it’s great to be online, but you can’t build the same relationships through a screen that you can when you’re working side-by-side with real people.
>> Kann Coworking Dir wirklich beim Networking helfen?
It sounds pretty crazy to think that you can improve your network just by going to work, but coworking offers just that! Imagine you meet someone from a completely new professional field during a short coffee break, or you meet someone from the very industry you would like to delve deeper into at the water cooler. The possibilities in a coworking space are endless.
When you enter the coworking space, you’ll meet dozens of experienced people who all want the same thing as you: to succeed in their businesses and make meaningful contacts. We are fortunate to provide jobs for a diverse group of people; our members can come from all walks of life, and that’s part of what makes us a great community! The opportunity to exchange ideas with people who grew up differently, were taught differently or worked in a completely different sector is invaluable. It gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons and be more open to new suggestions that you might never have considered otherwise. A different perspective often helps to solve seemingly unsolvable problems, which you often face, especially at the beginning of your entrepreneurial career.
>> Büro vs. Coworking Space?
What do you think of when you think of a typical office environment? Even if this doesn’t apply to everyone, we know first-hand that most offices are stuffy, the atmosphere is very tense and the competitive pressure is palpable in every job. You work with people who are all striving for the top, which often leads to a stressful environment.
For us, a coworking space is everything an office is not. There is an immediate relaxed atmosphere in our coworking space, not least because everyone works on their own project, but also because there is a much greater sense of independence and autonomy, which is hard to achieve in a 9-5 office. When the competitive element is removed, people are much more open to sharing ideas, helping each other and taking a genuine interest in what other people’s businesses are about.
>> Gemeinschaft und Vernetzung
With the increasing number of freelancers and entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to make a name for yourself, especially if you’re brand new to the industry. When we think of a typical corporate networking event, the first thing that comes to mind is the time constraints and the pressure to meet everyone in the room and make a lasting impression. These events can be great, but the likelihood of making real contacts is very low. That’s why we try to encourage people who work in our coworking space to get as much out of their experience as possible.
We know that there will be many days when you just want to retreat to a quiet corner and get on with your work – and that’s a good thing, because we offer plenty of places where you can do that. But part of the success of coworking spaces like ours is the community within the four walls.
There’s no better way to improve your sales pitch than to introduce yourself in a relaxed environment where you can show people what you do. Ultimately, everyone is in the same boat and wants to impress others. Over time, your elevator pitch will be perfected, and you don’t even have to try hard to achieve it!
>> Wie geht man beim Networking vor?
Setting up in a new coworking space is the first step to networking, but it can be quite daunting intimidating/exciting to put yourself out there! Fortunately, we are experts in this field and provide our members with the following tips:
Be open and approachable; remember that everyone is nervous, but it will be easier to meet new people! A friendly, open smile, a nice gesture or simply a warm greeting will quickly melt the ice.
Location: Make sure that you get along well. One of the best aspects of our space is that it offers a range of work areas and places to relax with a beer. Make the most of all these areas so that you can make contacts more easily.
Social: Most coworking spaces host events; NoBuzzwords hosts a variety of these to encourage our members to come together inside and outside of work. These are great opportunities to meet new people.
Reply: The most important thing in networking is the reply. Don’t just take, but also give, share knowledge and information. Relationships that are based on reciprocity are much more likely to flourish.
Keep an eye out for new members; if you’ve been in your coworking space for a while, you may already know everyone, but it’s important to keep an eye out for new members to introduce yourself to. This not only means that you welcome them, but also allows you to make another new connection.
Du bist selbst Gründer und willst das Ganze mal ausprobieren? Für einen ganzen Tag kannst Du den NoBuzzwords Coworking Space in Dortmund, powered by perpetuo, testen. Mit dem Free Trial kannst Du Dich auf www.nobuzzwords.de anmelden und kostenlos einen Tag im Herzen des Ruhrgebiets arbeiten.
Die perpetuo GmbH ist eine seit 2007 existierende international agierende Unternehmensgruppe. Kernkompetenzen der perpetuo sind Managementberatung, Change-Management, Turnaround Management, Digitale Vermarktung sowie Venture Management. Die Hauptzielgruppen sind Startups sowie Unternehmer und Geschäftsführer von Mittelständlern (Hidden Champions) in und um Dortmund.